Norman Seawright III

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Living the life.

I’m chilling. Like, wake up at 9:00a, read stuff on my phone, send memes to friends (no, I can’t share these…trust me), not go to the gym (this is scary), and stay in sweats all day before going to bed at…whatever hour I feel like going to bed. Let me tell you—if you can afford to do this at least once in your life between jobs, do it.

Unemployment ain’t so bad.

Downtime is important—you get the chance to take a look at yourself that’s more objective than what you’re normally able to. If you know me…you know I’m always to self-examination. I’ve spent the time with no obligations—(f)unemployment—decompressing the experiences of the past three years. Without ruminating, I can take plenty forward with me. More importantly, I can see that I was waiting for something.

The goal-oriented become restless.

I needed the rest to back off and clear my head. So far, so good. Couldn't spend too much time on that—and that’s fine by me—because I’ve been interviewing. The next step in my career is going to be an amazing one. I found myself wandering cities, which resonates with me, and rediscovering the true depth of the drive that kept me going for so long. It’s almost like I just caught my second wind—fire has been stoked, and I’m ready to get back into the game. Fresh, open air and sunlight pretty much describe my mood (and my ideal cityscape).

So it’s time for next-level development.

Mind, body and spirit have to stay engaged, and it’s easy to do when you’re inspired. I’m excited.