Dear Monday.
Here are some journalism students prepping for live shot practice. Remember those days? Getting as far away from the others as possible because you think you sound ridiculous.
Anyway, when it comes to meeting professionals in your field and making connections to maintain throughout your career, I've seen a couple trains of thought.
On one hand, you can be cautious, attempting to avoid stepping on toes or appearing arrogant. I'm a fan of humility and keeping a professional demeanor, but it's easy to become lost in those ideals. At that point, erring on the side of timidity is a real possibility; in the interest of not appearing entitled, you run the risk of not making your goals clear to whomever you're speaking, and not letting your personality work for you.
On the other hand, you can throw caution to the wind (relatively speaking) in the belief that fortune favors the bold. What appeals to me here is that you are truly yourself. You connect with the person and show them what they'll really get from you, for better or for worse (which I believe is helpful in the long run). You reveal who you are and what you want, but there's the risk of overdoing it and giving the appearance that the world owes you something. I prefer this approach, but tempered with reasonable humility; when networking professionally, give the other person a sense of you, but with realistic expectations. No, I never expect to be offered a job on the spot, but working professionals can always offer meaningful guidance in making your dreams real. You have but to ask.
Happy Monday.